This's a ghost town, isn't it? Ha sorry i haven't been updating, but judging from my blog stats there are still subsantial numbers of viewers so THANK YOU FOR BEING INTERESTED IN MY LIFE, WHOEVER YOU MAY BE. Ain't tired yet so i figured i'd make my time worthwhile by writing and updating on my life since i brought my laptop upstairs heh.
Life's been pretty good to me, i guess. With all the hustle and bustle of events and happenings and stuff it's been rather satisfying too :) Anyway i had gotten back my results and i (miraculously and deservingly) promoted unconditionally. It wasn't spectacular or anything but i guess a CESEU is better than a SSEUU anyday. Gotta work on my Math, sigh. Also, i really have to thank my beloved Tamp / Bugis Starbucks outlets cause i found my maximum studying productivity rates there, whoopie. At an expense though (but then again the drinks are like uh-ma-zing). Hm okay then there was PW, which turned out to be a really enjoyable process especially towards the end with my beloved DH009! It also taught me on how to be an extremely anal formatting master.. which would probably help me in future career or job or whatever. So armed with my extremely pretty WR and my amazingly formatted Prezi for OP, i'm just crossing fingers for an A that i worked so hard for. Ah anyway this photo's a photo of us DH009 interviewing foreign construction workers at Blue Stars Dorm :) Teehee.

Alright enough of studies; more of the fun bits of my life! Shan't bore anyone with all the nitty gritty details so i guess the main thing in Oct was the zoo trip with 5C12! It was a considerably successful outing in my opinion so alright lets let pictures say a thousand words shall we (and so that i can just move on to the more recent and interesting bits of my life)

Yep so that was basically my October. November was more fun with coaching (YES, UH HUH) and outings and movies and meetings and chalets but alright imma just post about COACHING cause yes it's one of the best things that's been happening.
Coaching this season was really amazing; the new and old faces, the familiar faces and of course, the whole experience on it's own. First off was IAG Senior 1 from 24-27th Nov and it was amazing :) First senior camp (though i got the youngest group) but yeah it was really fulfilling! 
Yep so those (in the first and fifth photo) were my.. uhm, kids! Namely Elvan, Ian, Wenfeng, Walter, Kieren, Terese and Ke Ning; and yes, they were quite a handful at first but i'm glad my sincere attempt to help them and to be their friends paid off! Seeing the growth of your participants and all is really and truly the best part of the whole experience :) Oh but that is, other than the fact that they do their best to come back as coaches and all but ohwell that can wait.

Mmm for S1 camp i was supposed to have Wenkai as a co-coach and apparently Pearlyn put us together in a group to allow me to bring out his better side and show him some love(?) ha okay i'm good at that. But anyway he fell ill after the first day and yeah i was left with a group of seven to take care of by myself. I guess it was good as well, seeing that i could build direct rapport with them and really get to know each and every one of them better! To be honest i think the best difference about Senior camps is that they have the amazing race segments which are amazing to build rapport and help with teamwork so i'm really grateful for that.
(I am starting to ramble. I can feel it. But it's 1:34AM now so bear with me!!!)
Alright so that's for Senior 1. Here's the catch: i took up and challenged myself so i did 2 consecutive camps this season!!!! It was amazing though. 9 full days of meaningful activity and endeavour. Was truly tiring but i'm extremely proud to say i survived it without any dozing off or falling really sick or anything. All i got was a sexy, hoarse, tranny-like voice. Me likey :)

My qtpie kids from IAG Junior 2 :) It was a reaaaaaally tough camp for me i must say. Though Senior 1 was taxing in the sense that i had lots of parental stress / responsibilities, Junior 2 drained my energy in a way no other camp has ever. So okay, at the start i had Sheena as a co-coach and it was a relief to me but then after an hour they figured Alicia (oh my twin sis btw) needed her more to handle the youngest group in camp (mine was second youngest) so uh huh, goodbye co-coach and hello myself yet again.
Alright so this group was really tough for me to handle for the fact that they were mostly really young and didn't understand the major segments (and trust me, it's extremely vexing). Moreover a couple of them really couldn't understand even the personality / preference tests and content so i had to really rephrase and go through every detail for them to absorb the information; but here's the worst part - they wouldn't tell me if they understood or not. Like if i asked "do you understand?", they would nod; but when i test them.. VOILA, i realise they didn't understand it at all. HOWEVER, it would be this precise fact that it was so tough that it was extremely fulfilling and enriching. It stretched my patience thin, but yet it strengthened it too.
This round's coaching team was great in it's own way too! First day's energy may've been quite low and all but (skipping the details on the not-so-nice stuff and the meeting called on the first day) i really learnt alot from this team as well. I thank God for the people who gave me direct feedback, i thank God for the people who affirmed my efforts, i thank God for the people who gave me advice and a listening ear, and i thank God for the people who were there for me :) Special mention to Vanessa for being really understanding, Pearlyn for the listening ear and encouragement during her visits, Clarence for always being there (be it in coaching or life) with advice and comfort, and Russell for making the effort to come down, the comforting hugs and also for the (literal) shoulder to cry on :')
Also, i got to know Alicia, Darrick, Westley, Cyn Chang, Vanessa etc better too! Strengthened relations with my dear Kiara and Cyn Shen too :) P.S., Kiara Shen Sean and I are S1+J2 warriors HA.
This camp may not have been the best but it's the imperfections that make a camp amazing, and i really am thankful for the opportunity to coach again. 9 days i'd probably never forget :)
It's now 2:51AM and i could ramble off forever... Shall do the rational thing though.
P.P.S., Credits to Kiara for some of the pics :)
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