Anyway here're some overdue photos from the Strictly Pancakes outing with my Mom Sis and Aunt the other time! It was reaaaaally nice hehe

Sis's pancake stack!

Garlic butter prawns pancakes!!! It was supah good (but a lil too filling though!)

Alright so today was quite a good day! Had b'fast with Deon and finally managed to catch up with this rather inexistent-for-two-months friendship and i'm just glad that (even if i feel like crap w/o him in my life sometimes) we're still the same ol', him being jokingly mean and all grr. Ate at KFC tamp and saw Vicki and her churchmates getting ready for church camp!

(*Story of the chawanmushi: Scalded myself on the thigh extremely badly cause of some super hot and undercooked chawanmushi about 3 weeks back. It was REALLY bad, with a scalded surface the size of three 50c coins and the blister broke and it became a bloody mess. HORRIBLE.)

Anyway yep, went to pick up my aunt and uncle from the airport from thier mission trip in Manila! Headed on for grandpa's birthday dinner after that at Big Eater (near Simpang Bedok) hehe.
That kinda sums up my day of a movie and good meals hahaha. Nothing much to blog about so
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