"You're not in a better place than i am, you're just in a different place. And it suck that we can't be there for each other right now, but that's the way it is." (Becca)
"... At some point it becomes bearable. It turns into something you can crawl out from under. And carry around - like a brick in your pocket. And you forget it every once in a while, but then you reach in for whatever reason and there it is: "Oh right. That." Which can be awful. But not all the time." (Nat)
I think i need to re-read it again soon, though. My lit / play sensitivity isn't all that sharpened recently. Takes time to sink in. It's kind of a really sad play, though.
I'm back to blog again for the reason that i'm bored. Like, really bored. Not many texts from people today and i'm stuck at home by the will of my mother so yes. Oh but i'm ashamed to admit that Eric's probably more committed to my math revision than i am and if you're reading this i'm still sorry that i forgot to call you back!!!
(Alright i just got whatsapped by Rachael for an outing oh yes please i miss you girls so much)
Anyway more on my week; Monday and Tuesday was a bore cause i was just too tired and sluggish to do anything or go out ha. So it was a sloth-at-home two days after the 9-day long coaching. Was all better by Wednesday though! Went out with Jasper to town for lunch (we took AGES to decide where to go) and then Life of Pi in 3D (thanks for the treat hehe)! I'd say that the story was not bad, but it was a little unbelievable for me especially with the over-brilliant graphics and all.. It's quite cool how Jasper and I could hit off quite well despite only know each other for.. 2-3 weeks? Knew him through Azura in coach bonding session hehe! Alright anyway after the movie we met up with Kiara and Sean. Headed over to scape side and they had a smoke break before we headed on to play pool! Scape's pool place is not bad, shall consider going there next time.. heh. Left to meet Isaac who wanted to pass me a present (it was quite nice, thank you) and it was nice to see him again too :) Returned to find Kiara and the rest and Marcus came by, then we headed off to Far East for Wasabi Tei. Jasper and I left earlier though! Okay that was really rambly and disorganized but alright, w-hatever.
Thursday was hectic with piano lesson in the morning followed by visiting S2's grad day! It was a really messy camp with the fact that they had to shift everything everywhere with Wealth Acad sharing the training rooms. Had some really tough moments but i'll skip that. I just hope those who're annoyed know my good intentions and that it was never on purpose that i wanted to annoy anyone with what i said and did. Yep. Headed over to Bishan for econs tuition and that marked the end of my long day.. Oh and qtpie Van + Lilian in that photo hahaha.
Friday was o-kay; had orientation publicity meeting with the comm and teachers in charge (WE HAVE A MAJOR LOT OF THINGS TO DO BY THE END OF THIS WEEK -HYPERVENTILATES-) Sigh. Anyway Russ booked out at 12 and he was ill so being the really crazy person i am, i bought the berry essence thing and headed to Sembawang ha i missed the north's serene and tranquil greenery. Met him at SSC and walked around for awhile; he was as drama as ever so it gave me a peace of mind :) Headed to Bishan for tuition again and home thereafter.
MOVING ON, Saturday was boring till I headed out to meet Russ again; we wanted to catch Pitch Perfect but ha it went from Available to Sold Out in a mere 10 minutes. So anyway we ended up walking around town area from 313 to Cine to Taka then Wisma and Ion. Hung around Kinokuniya and he bought that book above (which he apparently read 8 times). Walked around some more and there was never really a moment of silence (which was amazingly comforting) so I had alot of fun with his epic drama and all too :) Oh yes we mutually agreed that Typo would be a good place to go and THERE WAS THIS BIG SALE ASJHSFKSHF I CANNOT. Uhm okay hehe. Went for dinner at Nam Nam and OHMAIGAUD their Pho is good. Like really good (mental note to go back there soon). Continued to walk around Ion before heading back home! Photos below hehe; pretty christmas tree in Taka and Russ writing being the on-the-spot poet writing a poem on the word "Joy" :)
I'll skip the details, but it's really truly amazing how similar we are in many things ha. Like we're weirdos in our own way when it comes to soft toys and notebooks and all. Favourite songs, shows, and how we can click with ideals and all hahaha okay i'm rambling again. But yep, really grateful to have known him better through this coaching season with his visits!!
Ah last one, Sunday. Today's been quite boring on a whole as mentioned above but i guess its good to have days to just slouch around at home and stuff heh. Cousins are here too so i guess its not that bad (moreover my grandma's whipping up a feast YAY). Alright that's all i have for now; update soon! It's gonna be yet another hectic week especially with all the publicity comm stuff to complete.
We've only got 86,400 seconds in a day to turn it all around or throw it all away /
Gotta tell em that we love em when we got the chance to say /
Gotta live like we're dying
(What if the world really ends on the predicted doomsday, 21st Dec? Will these 12 remaining days be enough for us to leave without any regrets?)
(What if the world really ends on the predicted doomsday, 21st Dec? Will these 12 remaining days be enough for us to leave without any regrets?)
God bless you all and be safe xx
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