What a record breaking one week of totally no hellos, no questions, nothing. It's sad how I'm feeling this way and you're probably too preoccupied with other things to even bother. Even simple things like replying to my tweets or a simple initiated wave would make me happy - but there was literally nothing. Maybe i'm the one that should try harder, that should take the initiative, but i guess for now its a test on how reliant i am on you, and how much you, on the other hand, bother.
I'm tired of being the one having to keep friendships together and i'm just tired of trying too hard and getting misunderstood for my intentions. Just so you know, i can go all out for a friend. And especially for you, my best friend. It doesn't mean my contributions of effort means that i like you in any romantic way. I just hope everything will be fine and things won't turn out awkward cause of all this.
Or maybe i'll just get used to this and we'd be reduced to mere hi-bye friends.
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