Had a wonderful time with my Galen dears at Bugis today! Met Shihming and Sining at 9:32AM haha we were all supposed to reach around 9:15AM but i think Shihming was the only one who reached at that time.. Yanting and Xiaomin came at around 10 and we sat on the floor infront of Intercontinental likeaboss and like nomads hahaha (refer to my previous post for the inside joke). I missed these girls so much, and it's truly heartwarming to see that though things've changed and we've changed, we can still come together and be awkward together hehe.
Wanted to head to Strictly Pancakes but realised that it only opens at 6PM on Mondays :( So.. there goes our pancake date out hahaha sigh it was really quite a joke haha. Headed back to Bugis+ (yuxuan finally reached when we were going up te escalator haha) and ended up eating at this Prata Palace place... well Indian pancakes count too right? -grins- So yep we ordered all the different types of prata and i guess whats truly the most important is the company you're with; no matter what kind of food we're having or place we're gathering at, the people whom you're around with will matter the most :)
Yanting and I sneaked out to "go to the toilet" (buy a birthday cake for Weiting's b'day celebration) and bought the CBTL Red Velvet cake hehe!! Brings back memories of Vally and my dear PW group mates who bought one for my b'day too :) But yeah anyway they had a candle but no lighter!! Yanting was super bent on borrowing a lighter from somewhere to make the cake complete, so we ended up asking this group of extremely friendly staff from Ireland's Potato which was next to the prata place! They were really extremely likeable and even gave us one of the cool balloons they had in the shop and incessantly wished us "happy birthday" and stuff :) Uber adorable, i love nice people! Hehe so we brought in the cake and started celebrating for Weiting! Photoz photoz hehe :)
Love these girls, it's been 5 years and counting :) We may not go out or talk as often but i guess i'm just grateful for having them in my life, and knowing that all of us would be able to just be ourselves when we're altogether, be it unglam or crazy or just plain awkward :) Xoxo <3
Haha so after the celebration and brunch we split into our specific mugging and going-to-meet-PW-groupmates plans and headed to wherever :)
Part two of this exceptionally fulfilling day was with my PW mates at my house haha :) Though we weren't exactly very productive, it was nevertheless a very fruitful and time well spent together, discussing about life, politics, adding points (inside joke), mocking each other (for entertainment's sake) and all. Really grateful for a cohesive and communicative PW group like mine :) Really happy to have y'all to work alongside for this dreadfully
So yeah, we talked about life and though I knew that my reputation hadn't been very fair toward who I truly was, and that it tended more to the negative aspect, it set me thinking once again on how this world acts and reacts toward things and people who're seemingly different.
To be really honest, i find that this whole thing about acceptance of others' differences and being different, as a whole, is always being "glamorised" in a way, like this:
I mean, honestly, if differences and "you"ness was so celebrated, then why would there be all these prejudices / discrimination and gossiping existing right now? Moreover, I can be sort of classified as one who's different in Dunman High, and i often get judged and all for knowing alot of people / being over-friendly. Point is, if differences and everything was truly accepted, then why are people like the twins discriminated by alot of people who don't even know them? Or like whoever who goes out to party and stuff, why are they labelled? It's difficult to not judge, i agree, but why not just put in the small extra effort to get to know who / why and how the person's that way? Everyone has a story to tell and yeah, perhaps some people are just self-conceited or their character and personality flaws are just like that, but to judge one for their past / for being different is just wrong.
Truth is, i'm just sick of all this. I'm not trying to vicitimize myself, but truly, i'm just sick of getting judged and talked bad about behind my back. If one really knows me, i choose to look at the good side of people, to forgive and to accept. I may not be a saint, but i definitely conciously do my best not to judge. So to all those people who know of my existence and wonder why the heck i wave at you if i'm not your "friend", then all i have to say is that I treat everyone as my friend. If i know that we both know of each other's existence then i'd do my best to wave or just smile. Isn't that nicer and better than just looking awkwardly and not acknowledging? Idk. Haha.
I admit my twitter is like spammed with all my thoughts and rants and stuff. Yet again some people judge that and think i'm very scary to tell the whole world how i feel. I agree, and i'm trying to refrain from over-explicity and stuff. But isn't it true that the true scary ones are the people who hide their feelingsa and plot behind others' backs? Lol and here i am revealing all my thoughts and life to the world. But okay not everything, i must say.
Luke 6:37
Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Okay i'm done haha. It is a good day, and i'm thankful :) Thankful for lasting friendships, thankful for good food, thankful for my PW groupmates that make life more interesting and allowing group sessions to be cohesive and everything :)
Will post again soon :)
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