Thanks to the readers who stayed with me till the very end. Haven't been updating much at all but i guess it's time to do so since February arrived hahaha. January just flew past like this and tbh i'm a little afraid i guess. As the clock ticks it's only gonna get nearer to 'A's and up till now i'm not getting any good grades to speak of. Just quite vexing and i just don't know when my studies is gonna see light ugh.
Choir Camp 2013

It was loads of fun and I think Marcus and I finally aren't awkward or anything anymore? Which makes me immensely glad cuz no matter what, he was one of the people closest to me in one point of time.. Koped water guns and buckets + we were all shooting each other and it was really lots of fun HAHA.

Practice was also quite fun with my darling Altos as we learnt the new songs and the set piece (which i must say is insane). Games thereafter and Group 1 won all the games throughout hahhaah proud of my group man xoxo. Ended up as first runner up and the day ended. Really proud of the comm for a well planned and executed camp that really made us all fulfilled in just two days :)

(forever and ever)

Subsequent days were busy with tuition and studying and dinners at Changi Village / Jun Shin Jung for Da Gu's bday!! Played zjmm with cousins and it was epic hahahaha.
School finally started on the 7th and it was the Senior High Inauguration where my little morning assembly plan was executed beautifully by Peter (Chaos) and Yulian :) Hahaha it was really good to see the awesome responses and hype right after the little stunt and i'm so glad publicity comm's efforts payed off!! The next day was house inauguration (BENNUUUUU) and i'm glad the year 5s were quite hyper!! Especially the guys hahaha :) Set up the final posters and banners till like 9pm for the next day hahaa it was really awesome and everything was set up beautifully -grins-

Day 1; Orientation day one was mad. Mad sweltering heat + mad schedule that made me run from school to Katong Park a few times hah. But it was fun lah and the cheering really hyped up the atmosphere hehe love orientation spirit :) Station games was jeopardized by the rain though. Lent my umbrella to some junior so i ended up drenched (but satisfied with my own good gesture anyway) HAHAHA.

Vally and I at station games rahrah-ing!! And don't you think Raphael x2 looks like Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum HHAHAHAHA DAMN FUNNY.
Headed to Conrad with Yongxin to meet the rest of the choir girls + shuling and hazel for Clarice's bday dinner! Was supposed to be a surprise haha and we coordinated for quite long i must say :) Went to find flowers for Clarice with Yongxin and the funny part was that we wanted to head into Goldheart to look for a necklace or sth for her shared present hahaha can you imagine. Quite funny seriously HAHAA. The dinner went well and i feel so bad haha Clarice's family treated us to the dinner ohman :/ But it was a really nice night (other than the fact that Russ and I kinda quarrelled but okay shan't go into details). Will always love these choir girls to bits and pieces!!!

Day 2; Lol day 2 on a whole was one of the most exhausting days in my existence. Started off with mass dance and cheer sessions before i left the whole "congregation" to help Peter and Jianchong with the DOTA2 prep. Carried buckets after buckets of water 100m across the field to the central area where the mudpool was gonna be. Thing was that the tarp at the very bottom wasn't waterproof due to wear and tear and the water we constantly poured in was just infiltrating into the ground and creating mini mud pools AROUND the actual mudpool. Changed strategy again and again till we finally got the water level up bit by bit haha. Think i carried almost 60 buckets of water in total omg. Missed Siege of The Empire (which i heard was the most violent in DHS history) but i guess it was time well spent with Rachel Val Jianchong and Peter!! We were really the saikang warriors of the afternoon HAHAHA.

So after lunch we decided that we had absolutely enough of wasting energy on filling water first hah so we started to add in the mud.. and it worked! Praise the Lord omg it worked!!! Continued to empty the bags and bags of mud and it worked wonders hahah though we only had one single water hose. Absolutely fun at that moment though my arms were already aching since 1030AM cuz of all the buckets of water uggggggh. Prepped till about 3 and DOTA2 was gonna commence!!!

DOTA2 was kinda mad i swear. Was supposed to be a Mud Regulator but there weren't enough chairs so i ended up being the Mud Golem instead (YAAAAAY). Tackled all the girls i could find (especially the juniors whom i knew HAHA) and it was really crazy with all the people scratching and barging through. Ended up with 3 long scratch marks on my back and bruises on my arms and legs LOL. But it was really crazy yet fun all at the same time.
Ah. Then came the crazy part of cleaning up lol. Filled up buckets and buckets of mud and I swear it had about 20-30kg on them...and well, i could miraculously carry it so i was thereafter named buffnic oh yay -_- whatever it is, i really stretched my physical tiredness to the limit and it expanded my threshold / comfort zone completely lol washed the tarp, carried all those buckets of mud + canteen chairs + tables. The teachers were amazing though, especially Ms Christine Chen haha she actually rolled up her pants and sleeves and joined us in digging up the mud without qualms!! The rest of the teachers followed thereafter and it was just so nice to feel the love and help that everyone was rendering :) Even kaiseng deon and jyhhowe stayed back to help clean up!! Hahaha crazy night man. Was one of the last to leave the washing up zone and i was seriously a wreck after it all. But it was worth it i guess, helping out and giving my 110% hahaha quite fulfilling. Headed home to bathe and crash for the night with a mere 3 hours of sleep T_T
Day 3; Heh finale day!! Had all the rehearsals for opening / closing and march in and it was really really fun hahaha. Had a good time jamming in the grandstand cuz we had the portable soundsystem and i was just singing and blasting music into the open LOL. It was then phototaking when all the SH students finally gathered!!

Heh my beloved class.. though they really weren't participative but i know we're still one of the better Y6 classes in terms of bondedness i guess :) Grateful for my 6C12 haha!!
Mmm so it went on to the final dance and cheer session and i lost about 60% of my voice alr HAHAA WHOOPS. Buffet dinner and the juniors spontaneously leading cheer wars in the canteen was amazing, it really was super heartening to see them having so much fun and all :)
Closing ceremony went smoothly though it was in the hall hahaha. Campfire was finally allowed to be held outside at its original venue of the track!! Was super hyped and I absolutely adored our Bennu Tribal Dance hahah all the OGLs / HC / SC just went all hyper and it was truly amazing hahaha :) Arthur and Regina were amazing hosts as well; it wouldn't have been so so well run if not for the two of them. So proud of Arthur especially hahah he's matured and grown so much :') Oh and he was really super sweet haha!! Cuz during circle storytelling the juniors came up with some really suggestive story about him and Yurong with the ending of "... and they lived happily ever after". After repeating it for the audience to hear properly he ended off with "I only wish for the last part to be true" OH MY GOD seriously how sweet can he get hahaha.

Campfire ended off on an extremely high note where we all just started to sing our level songs and jump together to it omg. Really amazing omg it was really as though we were right back At The Beginning in Year 1 all over again :') It was crazy man and towards the end we all linked shoulders and formed a huge idkwhatshape as a SH family :)
Well we all know what comes next hahaha this clean up was crazy as well with all the untying of ropes and carrying of canteen tables and chairs back + washing the remainder or tarp and all the other nonsense. The teachers were extremely sweet though, buying a huge stack of pizzas and boxes of bottled drinks :) Debrief ended on a high note and it just felt so good to know that we really did it. All of us comms and SCs and HCs and OGLs, we really made this orientation a spectacular one that juniors trended orientation hangover tweets / teachers were commending and praising us / Dr Foo enjoying especially the campfire :)

Xoxo, UNITAS 2013 :)
Okay well after all the fun and crazy times, school inevitably starts!! Lectures and tutorials started coming in and the feeling that we were really Y6 already dawned on me hah. So yep 14 Jan marked the first day of official lessons!! But there was also another important thing that happened that day haha..
Sighpie Christina was leaving for Aussie to continue her studies there haha. Really miss her and her fangirl/ ramble moments in class. And also when she cared and when we fought the sleep worm tgt ahahaha. Anyway it was quite a huge entourage consisting of 4E / 6C36 and her CO people :) Sigh i've missed 4E loads :(

Really gonna miss her hah I promise to go visit her on one of my trips to Aussie soon :)
The rest of January's been really hectic but fulfilling i guess. Lectures and tutorials flew past day by day and 6C12 really is becoming more bonded haha especially when Gideon unleashes his inner hyperbunny that really makes everyone v amused. Oh and the fact that Ryan's been the poor soul who gets targeted at any chance possible HAHAHA it's okay man we all still love him hah including GAHLINDA HAHAHA. Okay sorry inside joke!! Studied tgt with Eric / Weishuen / Eunice / 6C12 peeps on many occasions hah start of #muggerlife!!!
(Though.. Russ and I really hit some rough patches over the 2-3 weeks. It's not been easy and i truly got hurt so i'm at a loss of what to do or say now? Like really, i don't feel anything for him anymore. And i feel both guilty and confused at that. Whatever it is i'm crossing fingers that things would be settled soon and that we still could be friends no matter what lol. He'd been an amazing friend and companion to me and i wouldn't wanna lose that.)
Hmm okay er OH YES i went for TA OJT on one of the Saturdays!! Thanks to Jasper whom i've grown increasingly close too hahaha that 大傻瓜. Anyway, I hadn't been back to Hoechiang for awhile and it truly felt good to be home. The preview went alright I made new friends!! Andrew (another TA) who's extremely humourous and the young girl who asked me lots of questions about the camps haha :) Hm then the next day was just tuitions as usual, with the additional Bishan econs cuz of some make up lesson we had to do. Met up with Jasper for dinner and arcade thereafter hahaha and my bball shooting really worsened alot hah.. But it also shows that i'm less angst to have to shoot hoops all the time hehe yay :)
So.. 31st Jan was quite an eventful day i guess. First official outdoor Mass PE and my stamina improved greatly (but idk why LOL). Didn't even realise that we had ran 4km, which meant that i didn't stop for the first 2.1km.. which is MIRACULOUS seeing my horrible stamina that i had over the past years.. But it was fulfilling nevertheless hehehe :)
Had my last piano lesson with Ms Winnie before my break before A levels. Moreover the time slots were crazy and I really wouldn't have been able to concentrate at 645PM for piano lesson after the long and dreadful Thursdays.
And lastly, the night of 31st / start of 1st Feb marked the start of something new hah. Won't go into details but i'm sure things will turn out just the way it should. And i'm crossing fingers that it'd be well :) So thankful though. :)
It's been a really really long post and it's kinda liberating to finally find the time and drive to blog my thoughts out hahaha. I'd end here now; and i hope February would be amazing too.
"Be the one who changes the negative mindsets of those who feel defeated. Be the one to prove that failure wouldn't last forever. And be the one to motivate the spirit of the weakened, damned disbelievers, and let them know that they're not alone." This is my drive, my motivation and my promise. I'll do well for As and show to the whole world that years of failing over and over again should never be the reason to ever give up :)
Goodnight world; take care and till next time! x
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