03. Worst injury you got, and how you got it.
Hmm. Actually none of my injuries are really bad or anything, but there are 3 that are quite epic and serious in its own way i guess.
First is when i was much younger and loved to swing on the monkey bars.. Fell down from it and fractured my right elbow LOL. According to my grandma i was quite tolerant and didn't cry, just that on the car ride home, i was exceptionally quiet and apparently my face was really turning into a shade of green or something. Hahaha can always remember my grandma's face when she "tells the story" :)
Second would be a major cut while falling down on a trekking trip in the Lower MacRitchie Reservoir.. It was bleeding quite badly and the gash was quite deep. Worst part of it was that my mom mistook an alcohol swab for antiseptic wipes............so yeah you can imagine how amazing the feeling of a deep cut + alcohol was LOL.
Mmm third would be the uprooting of my big left toe's toenail.. Was at piano class and accidentally slammed the huge heavy door on my toe. Had actually thought it was a bruise or sth at first (cause it felt like it) till Sarah told me to look down at my toe and voila, a big bloody mess with my whole toenail uprooted and hanging in midair. Gross eh. My mom has been using this example of my tolerance for pain ever since -_-
04. The most heartbroken you have been, tell the story.
*ponders* I've only had 3 people that i truly liked (for a longer period of time, that is), 2 of whom i believe i'd loved. It's not easy to say when i've been the most heartbroken but i guess it builds up over the years and if the memories held a substantial place in my heart(?) Ahahaha shucks idk what i'm saying. Okay nvm i shall stick to the non-conventional answer; i believe the most heartbroken / heart wrenching moments are when my parents wrong me and refuse to hear me out or consider my predicament / reasons. To me, the most important people in my life are my family members cause despite anything, they're there for me in one way or another, never failing to either support me or make me happy again. There are undoubtedly times of stress and angst but at the end of the day they're really the ones who love me a lot, as do i, to them. So yeah, their opinions, encouragement, words and actions influence me the most, and i must say that whenever they get irrational and angst, i get extremely upset and heartbroken as well. It's the kind of feeling where you get wronged or mistrusted by the closest people to you whom are supposed to know you best.
Quite a good day today :) Met up with Nabi and Mich for breakfast at Saffron and omaiiii their prata is gooooood. Go check it out if you're a prata fan :) Haha so yep, talked and talked and haha it was a good catch up.. Gonna miss herrrrrr and everyone she intro-ed me to.. W/o her i wouldn't have gotten to know all the Caroling people, Evokx and TT.. :') Hahaha her mom came thereafter and it was really cute seeing her whine to her momma and seeing her momma suan her back and stuff! Mich was uber cute as usual hahaha i missed both of them so much :( Can't wait for Sunday morning with Nabi's overwhelming entourage at the airport HHAHA i may just choose to do up a banner or sth ^^
Went home to practice piano and have lunch + spend time with family before i headed out for piano lesson and study session with JZ thereafter. He was late though -_- Met Deon while printing photos and hahaha i actually got a shock lolol i looked up and he was just standing there eating his coffee bun and looking at me HAHAHA. So yeah went to study with him @ McCafe till JZ came! So yeah turts reached tampz and we ate dinz at Ajisen heh mai favourite seafood ramen and TEEHEE i had free dinner :D ok i felt bad and tried to pay him but noooooooo, he didn't accept ohwell THANKS FOR DINNER, IF YOU'RE READING THIS!!!! Was so full so we decided against going to bux to study so we went McCafe instead (and no, D wasn't there anymore hahaha). Wasn't as productive as the past few days though hahahaha that stupid awkward turtle kept making me laugh and get distracted. But yeah, managed to finish up 3 chapters of econs anyway hehe! Headed home and it was the most productive night that i've had in weeks, finished up the elaborate geog sketch and EOM along w the 3 chapters i completed before that :) Productive efficiency makes me happy HAHAHAHAH.
Mmm gonna study with Isaac later, after much of his incessant nagging that he needs someone to study with #lesigh. Ooh and 3 hours of econs also hahaha. Think Mr G Lee is having 11 hours of lesson straight today :( Hope he takes care of himself haizzzz really Superman haha i salute him :)
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