I've got loads of good days and i don't think i can precisely pin-point which is the best day so i shall just tweak it a lil to make it "one of the most memorable days" instead. It's gonna sound really childish but i think the few best days were 7th - 8th of July last year, in the Gaga showcase period. I may have gotten over him but the memories stay, and i believe it'll stay with me for life. Being kind of a hopeless romantic, those two nights really reflected what i wanted in a relationship - simple and sweet. 可能是我自作多情, but i truly felt blessed and happy at that moment of time from the little actions and gestures that made me feel like i'm cared and cherished. From walking around, to the cab ride and the mrt, i remember how i had this fluttery feeling inside of me:) Whatever it is, i'm over it - but i guess it'll really be two nights that i wouldn't forget, ever.
Another would be my birthday this year, where two of my best friends came to my house in the morning to surprise me, slabbing whipped cream onto my face HAHA. Tbh i was feeling kinda down cause i felt i didn't really have anyone to celebrate with despite it being one of the rare times i'm not actually overseas. Was so touched when they came and i guess i wouldn't forget it, ever. (Neither would i ever forget the feeling of having whipped cream being stuffed into my face........)
02. Who has made the biggest impact in your life, and why?
I guess the most "mainstream" answer would be a best friend / parents / family / sibling or whatever, but i have to say in making the biggest impact in my life, it'd have been joining AKLTG in coaching. Being in Dunman High, i guess we're all really v protected and, to a certain extent, oblivious to many things that's happening in "reality". Not that it's a bad thing, but i just feel really blessed to have joined the coaching team in '09. It opened my eyes to many different perspectives, different lifestyles, different people and their different circumstances - be it participants or coaches themselves. By joining the coaching team, i'd learnt so much more about not just how to be a better person; it gave me insights on how others' had so much going in their lives, making me appreciate my own more. It taught me how different individuals would have their own predicaments, their own reasons for doing or saying anything, and that we really shouldn't judge through a mistake or sth. I've grown so much as a person through joining this team and i guess it really has been very impactful to me. These lesssons and realizations may have been internal / implicit and there may really have been some people who aren't as respectable - but i guess the experience matters most.
It's been a good day, i guess :) Studied with D again and i've familiarized myself with most of Litho under his challenge hahaha but #challengefailed though, didn't manage to finish much of the TYS. Shall work on it tomorrow. He's like a family friend now and even my grandparents are quite comfortable with him being around. Love friendships like these ha. :) Headed to tamp for dinner + movie and my sis managed to sneak into Imperfect which was NC16. Oh and just to mention, she's 172 at twelve years old W T H right. So naturally she passed the first test of scrutiny hahaha. Imperfect was not bad, the Taiwanese and Hongkong actors were sooooo good, coupled with Edwin and Ian who've really got extremely high potential in this acting circle. They're gonna be so good if they continue on acting :) The show was bloody violent for a local production though... Kinda freaked out at a few parts..
Anyway it's been a long day and my brain's still saturated with Geog :) Shall sleep it off..... ok not off hahaha sleep it in HAHAHA and hope it'll retain in my puny brain. Meeting Nabi, Mich and (hopefully she can make it) Yeemun for breakfast tomorrow!! It's been such a long time and i'm really gonna miss Nabi when she leaves for UK this Sunday. Really wish her the best RCM and beautiful UK could offer her, she's been through alot to get here :)
Okie dok, goodnight and sweetdreams, ttfn (HAHAHAHA #bimbomax) :)
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