Haha i must say i'm really blessed cause my family loves travelling and my dad works hard so we can afford it :') So yeah i'm quite well traveled for my age :) Shall do it by continents haha ^^
Asia: Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Seoul, Tokyo (+ some parts of Jap i can't remember LOL i was 2y/o), Hangzhou, Nanjing, Beijing, Shanghai, Hongkong, Macau
Europe: Prague, Vienna, Paris, Switzerland, Provence, London, Copenhagen, Norway
Oceania: Perth, Pemberton, Sydney
USA: Hollywood, Los Angeles, Oregon, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon
Africa: (Egypt) Cairo, Aswan, Luxor
Middle East: Dubai
Probably going to Turkey / New York this holiday and i'm absolutely hyped!!
My anxiety builds up as the days pass and the collection of results and papers are nearing. I just don't know what to expect anymore, and it's as though the chances of me retaining is hanging by the thread. Especially since i know my math is gonna be horrible. I witnessed my improvement, my added practice and hoped that it'll be substantial but.. i guess it wasn't. Had a huge headache and blanked out after flustering and skipping questions along the way so it was tough and i had to use abit of time to rest in the exam ugh. Whatever it is i'm only gonna strive harder and work smarter, i ain't gonna let myself, Mr Ong, Mr Lim nor my parents down, :(
Had a long talk with my parents last night and i know though it's tough and they may contradict what they say about not taking results into too much consideration (when they absolutely do), i know they care and love me so i guess i really have to work hard not just to make me believe in myself again, but also to make them believe in me again. I can't afford anymore disappointments.
I'm just so scared for Wednesday. I don't want to do badly anymore, after all the effort.
Life's not a bed of roses, but okay lets just end this post w pretty roses. Goodnight.
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